What are some things that changed in this season of our lives? 1. School cancelled parents are forced to home school. 2. Social distancing 3. Tape on floors at grocery stores for social distancing 4. Limited number of people in stores 5. Church closed and services online—the church has been deployed for first time—we now have church online, including Bible Studies online. 6. Non-essential stores and businesses closed—including liquor stores and gun shops 7. Parks, trails, entire cities locked up 8. Entire sport season, concerts, tours, festivals, and weddings cancelled 9. Panic buying, toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer hard to find. 10. Selves bare in stores 11. Government incentives to stay home 12. Gas prices lowest in years-nowhere to go 13. Wearing masks to go outside our home. 14. Facetime and Zoom to family. 15. Restaurants with curbside service, Hair Salons, Nail Salons closed. 16. Justice & Mercy Calendar of events postponed. 17. Daily updates from Governor Wolf. 18. Need a Note to Go to work!! Positive Changes 1. People are having family dinners at home, again. 2. Spending time with family, games, crafts, talking, being together. 3. Learning about each other (we hope this is a positive experience for you). 4. Families are walking together outside. REFLECT ON YOUR FAMILY What are some Positive things that have happened this season? Talk about it with your Family. On a Good note—many churches have adapted to the change. Online platforms are reporting the highest number of people viewing of their services. There are so many positive things that have come out of “this detour”. In Philippines 4:8 it says, “Whatsoever, things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report…think on these things”. DO WE HAVE A NEW NORMAL?