![]() Volume 1 Issue 3 What’s New? Justice & Mercy’s Newsletter – July 2020 COVID-19 and the PA prisons According to the Pennsylvania Prison Society (PPS), the reported death toll is 6 people in custody (prison) and 2 correctional staff. PPS believes this number is an undercount since reporting is not happening as it could. “Most county prisons are not regularly reporting on the virus spread. Neither the Pennsylvania Department of Health nor the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections require county prisons to report testing information or virus-related deaths. While the state releases numbers on the spread of coronavirus in nursing homes every day, Pennsylvanians behind bars are not counted’ (direct quote from the PPS newsletter dated 5/26/2020. For more information please go to the site below. https://www.prisonsociety.org/covid-19 The following Justice & Mercy cases are only two of several cases we are working on: 1. PL PL is currently in Lancaster County Prison where he will be going before the court. PL has had a troubled traumatic past. He was put into the foster system at a very early age. His parents and his family did not want anything to do with him. He went from foster home to foster home and was finally adopted by his foster parents. However, PL was abused by those parents. Consequently, he made wrong choices and ended up in jail on many occasions. PL is reaching out to Justice & Mercy. He wants to be put into a Christian based program to teach him those life skills he never learned. PL states, that his use of drugs was to kill the pain from the trauma of his childhood abuse. He understands that going upstate to prison is probably not going to make him a better person and is requesting assistance to get into a strong Christian program that will help him make proper choices and become a strong productive citizen. JM Partner, what can you do for PL? Please keep him in your prayers. He is a Christian and he says he wants to do the right thing. Justice & Mercy’s -- Current Case: 2. Angela Diaz Angela Diaz is a wife and a mother of two children was living her dream! Then, one fateful day Angela found herself in prison charged with 1st degree murder. Her world would come suddenly crashing down. It all appeared to be a nightmare. Justice & Mercy has taken a position that Angela Diaz is an unpretentious, gentle natured, Good Sarmatian that is wrongfully charged with 1st degree murder. Angela has been in the Lancaster County Prison for over 24 months without a trial. Justice & Mercy has hired Chris Sarno, Esq. from Clymer, Musser, & Sarno, PC., to defend Angela. The Attorney General, Josh Shapiro is wanting to make an example of Angela. Their position is that Angela got frustrated, lost her cool, and beat the child up badly, killing her in the bathtub. They have no facts, they have bruises on the body, pictures, and not one witness. Tom Zeager, President of Justice & Mercy and several others associated with Justice & Mercy do not believe that Angela is lying when she states she did not do it. The Attorney General’s office is pushing for 1st degree murder, which is life. Without $250,000.00 for hiring of professional people to research and forensic evidence we are not going to move this case to innocence. We are praying and believing that in the 500 pages of information that the attorney has, we will find something in there to defend Diaz with. JM Partner, What can you do for Angela? Angela needs finances to hire forensics investigators to assist her case. She also needs you to pray! Just Mercy – by Bryan Stevenson “Just Mercy” is a true life story, must-read book. It chronicles the work of Bryan Stevenson, founder of Equal Justice Initiative (a legal practice defending the poor, wrongly condemned, and those trapped in the criminal justice system). Walter McMillian was released from prison after being on death row for a murder he did not commit. To read further about McMillan’s case please go to: https://eji.org/cases/walter-mcmillian/ The following is an excerpt from the book titled, “Just Mercy” “I just come here to help people. This is a place full of pain, so people need plenty of help around here,” said an older lady sitting on marble steps of the courthouse. She went on to say, “It’s what I’m supposed to do.” This lady explained that her sixteen-year-old grandson had been murdered. She grieved and grieved. She went to the court every day for the trail of the boys that killed her grandson. “The judge sentenced them to prison forever. I thought it would make me feel better, but it actually made me feel worse’, said the grandma. So, now she goes to the courthouse to let those who need someone to lean on, lean on her. “I come here to catch some of the stones people cast at each other.” “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” — John 8:7 “Today, our self-righteousness, our fear, and our anger have caused even the Christians to hurl stones at the people who fall down, even when we know we should forgive or show compassion. We can’t simply watch this happen; we need to be stone catchers” (Stevenson, 2015). Stevenson, B. (2015). Just Mercy: A story of justice and redemption. New York: Spiegel & Grau. **If you would like a copy of this book, let us know at Justice & Mercy. Want to become a Justice & Mercy Partner? Here’s how: 1. Join the Pennsylvania Prison Society (PPS) to become a monitor and inmate visitor. 2. Donate to Justice & Mercy as we continue this work. 3. Pray for all incarcerated individuals and for the work of Justice & Mercy. ‘Let’s be Stone-Catchers’ Together We Make a Difference! JM Partner, please consider in becoming a Matthew 25/25 Partner: Justice & Mercy’s core precept is found in Mathew 25:36, “What is the greatest commandment of all?” To which, Jesus answered, “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Our mission is to put into action these words by ministering to inmates and their families. Your unconditional Christian love, your generosity, and prayers will enable Justice & Mercy to expand its ministry by giving inmates and their families a voice and an advocate in the criminal justice system. For your generous automatic monthly donation of $25.00 on 25th day of each month for one year or for your gift of $300.00, Justice & Mercy will give you reserved seating, priority signup for all of our events, and a gift to you. Justice & Mercy is committed to Praying for Our Partners! (Please include your prayer request) Keep in Touch! Justice & Mercy Partner is updating our contact information. Please take a few moments and complete the form below. Be sure to include an email address (if one is available), phone number(s) birthdate(s). Your information will NOT be shared. It’s for Justice & Mercy’s use only. First Name_______________________ Last Name________________________ Middle Initial_______ Spouse Name (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________ Street address: ___________________________________ City________________________________ State________ Zip Code____________ Home Phone #____________________ Cell #_____________ Birth Date: ________________________ Spouse Birth Date: _________________________________ Credit Card #________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________ Security code (on Back) ___________ Amount of monthly donation $__________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Day of month for deduction ________________OR: One Time Donation$______________________ Email address:________________________________________________________________________ How can we help you? Send Justice & Mercy your Prayer requests ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ **Click the Link below** Coffee Corner ![]() Question:
Justice & Mercy Partner, presently county jails house a large majority of people that cannot afford a good attorney or bail and therefore, must rely on public defender’s office. How should this system be changed to give those who are disadvantaged a better chance at justice? (Please put your answer below)
The Angela Diaz Case: Angela Diaz is a wife and a mother of two children. She supported her children in the many activities they were involved in and also belonged to the Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO). Angela watched her daughter participate in gymnastics at a competition level and become a lead cheerleader. Angela was living her dream! Then, one fateful day Angela found herself in prison charged with 1st degree murder. Her world would come suddenly crashing down. It all appeared to be a bad dream. Angela’s cousin and his wife asked Angela to keep their two girls, Brooklyn and Dallas, for a period of time. Without hesitating, Angela and her husband drove down to Georgia from Pennsylvania to pick up the two little girls. The girls were not cared for by their parents and were in need of love and attention. Angela and her family took the girls in like their own. For six weeks, the girls lived with Angela and her family. Brooklyn and Dallas flourished with the love and care they so desperately needed. The parents stated they were ready to take the girls back home to Georgia. It was apparent after a short period of time Angela’s cousin and his wife were ill prepared to care for the 2 little girls. Angela and her husband picked up the two girls again upon request of the parents. It was clear that the girls were different this time. Little Brooklyn was quiet, reserved, fearful, weak, bruised, thin, and fell often during the day. Angela went right to work caring for the girls without thinking to notify the authorities of their current condition. Then one day life changed as they knew it. Angela had taken her children and the two little cousins to a sporting event and a park nearby. Upon returning home, Brooklyn started vomiting profusely. Angela became frantic and called 911 and Brooklyn was immediately transported to the hospital. Unfortunately, Brooklyn died. The little girl was brain dead, and a few days later life sustaining measures were removed. Angela was arrested for the murder of Brooklyn. Angela unequivocally states she did not commit this crime. Justice & Mercy has received 50 letters from various people stating Angela did not commit this crime! Justice & Mercy has taken a position that Angela Diaz is an unpretentious, gentle natured, Good Sarmatian that is wrongfully charged with 1st degree murder. Angela has been in theLancaster County Prison for over 24 months without a trial. Justice & Mercy has hired Chris Sarno, Esq. from Clymer, Musser, & Sarno, PC., to defend Angela. The Attorney General , Josh Shapiro is wanting to make an example of Angela. Their position is that Angela got frustrated, lost her cool, and beat the child up badly, killing her in the bathtub. They have no facts, they have bruises on the body, pictures, and not one witness. Tom Zeager, President of Justice & Mercy and several others associated with Justice & Mercy do not believe that Angela is lying when she states she did not do it. The Attorney General’s office is pushing for 1stdegree murder, which is life. Without $250,000.00 for hiring of professional people to research and forensic evidence we are not going to move this case to innocence. We are praying and believing that in the 500 pages of information that the attorney has, we will find something in there to defend Diaz with. What can you do for Angela? Angela needs finances to hire forensics investigators to assist her case. She also needs your prayers! In an effort to improve our ability to serve our partners and community better, we have updated our website. We would really like to know what you think. Please fill out this short survey.
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